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· 8 min read
Yuzhe Qin

In the intricate world of robotics and physical simulation, the devil is often in the details. A well-designed robot can perform a wide array of tasks in the real world, but to do so accurately in a simulated environment, we need to pay close attention to one critical aspect: the collision mesh.

Understanding Collision Mesh for Robot

A collision mesh is a streamlined geometric model employed for physical simulation. Unlike the visual mesh (the representation we observe on the screen), a collision mesh is utilized to detect collisions and calculate contact between objects within a physics engine. In a .urdf file, the collision mesh is defined within the <collision> tag, distinct from the visual mesh.

The precision of our collision mesh in mirroring the actual shape of the robot hand significantly influences the accuracy of our simulation's predictions and responses to interactions, thereby enhancing realism. However, the quest for a highly realistic collision mesh can demand substantial computational resources. Meshes with higher realism often contain more vertices and faces, which can notably increase the computational requirements for running the simulation. This could potentially slow down the simulation. Sometimes, it might be beneficial to ignore minor physical details in the simulation to simplify the problem.

Consequently, crafting a collision mesh for a robot is a non-trivial task. This complexity is especially amplified in the case of dexterous hands, which possess a much larger number of links compared to a robot arm. The task demands thorough attention and cannot be completely automated via scripting.

In this blog, we will navigate through this challenge. By utilizing a specific robot hand as example, we will illustrate the step-by-step process of creating collision mesh for a robot hand.

Example: Creating a Model for the SVH Hand

In this tutorial, we are going to walk you through a detailed process of creating a collision mesh model using the manufacturer-provided URDF, specifically for the SCHUNK SVH Hand. The original URDF from SCHUNK employs the same mesh file for collision as well as visual representation. This approach could lead to significant issues as many simulators often default to converting the imported collision mesh into a convex hull.

Below, we present the collision mesh derived from the original URDF. The left image depicts the original collision geometry, while the right one represents the contact force of self-penetration during motion. As you can intuitively imagine, loading this model directly into your simulator would lead to unpredictable behavior due to the self-collision causing random movement. The red arrow indicates the contact force, with deeper red signifying greater force. You can visualize this using the ContactViewer tool.

Collision MeshWeired Motion from Self Collision

To address the problem identified above, we'll manually remodel the collision mesh. There are several methods for this, such as using primitives like a box or sphere for collision representation, employing convex decomposition derived from the visual mesh, or even designing a more tailored solution.

Building Collision Mesh: Single Primitive Approach

Let's start with the base, corresponding to base10.dae.


It's important to note that using a .dae file to represent a visual mesh can lead to inconsistencies across different URDF parsers. This is why DexSuite does not use .dae files for visual meshes. While this is not the main focus of this blog post, we thought it was worth mentioning.

Next, import the visual mesh into your preferred graphics software, such as Blender. We notice that the shape of this mesh closely resembles a cylinder. Therefore, let's attempt to use a cylinder to represent the collision mesh. Usually, it's more efficient to use a primitive than a mesh file for collision representation.

<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 -0.032"/>
<mesh filename="package://schunk_svh_description/meshes/base10.dae"/>

Remember to position the visual mesh in Blender based on the pose tag within the URDF, which has a z=-0.032 position. Then, create a cylinder primitive and adjust its size and position to align with the visual mesh.

Visual Mesh in BlenderCreated Cylinder Primitive in Blender

Afterward, we can copy-paste the cylinder information into the URDF as illustrated below. When you load the modified URDF into your simulator, the collision mesh will now be represented by a simple cylinder.


<link name="right_hand_base_link">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 -0.032"/>
<mesh filename="package://schunk_svh_description/meshes/base10.dae"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 -0.009"/>
<cylinder radius="0.045" length="0.045"/>

Several simulators, like SAPIEN, IsaacGym, and IsaacSim, do not include a cylinder as a built-in primitive. Hence, the URDF parser will interpret the cylinder as a triangle mesh internally. This implies that for a cylinder, using a cylinder primitive in URDF or saving it as a mesh file will yield identical results in simulation collision detection. However, for simplicity, we recommend using the <cylinder> tag.

Building Collision Mesh: Multi Primitive Approach

Now, let's handle the palm, which corresponds to h10.dae and h11.dae. We'll begin with h10. This part has a more complex structure than the previous ones, and it appears that a single primitive cannot approximate it. Instead, we might need to use multiple primitives, such as three boxes. You do not need to worry that the overlapping between different boxes since the collision meshes of the same link will never collide each other.

Visual Mesh in BlenderCreated Box Primitives in Blender

Why are some parts of the visual mesh not covered by the boxes, and why are others over-covered?

Over-coverage Reasoning: Typically, the collision mesh can be slightly larger than the actual shape for safety considerations. For instance, we expect our robot to manipulate objects with its fingers, not the hand base. The collision mesh for this part is primarily designed to prevent unwanted penetration, between the hand and the object, or between the hand and the robot arm.

Under-coverage Reasoning: For parts under-covered by the box, finger links are usually present, making these areas hard to reach for external objects. Moreover, the visual mesh does not represent the actual robot; it merely serves as a surrogate for its real counterpart that we do not need to follow precisely. In practice, modeling this uncovered part could lead to unwanted self-collision in the initial state.

Following the same design principle, we can also model the collision mesh corresponding to h11. However, this is a complex design problem, and there isn't a unique solution for design. You'll often find that the design choices are heavily dependent on your manipulation task with the robot model. Remember, the modeling process is always iterative: you build collision meshes and put them into a simulator to observe the outcomes. If something unexpected occurs, such as undesired self-collision, you should update your collision mesh design. When building models in DexSuite, we extensively use simulation for motion checking to enhance the modeling process.

Building Collision Mesh: Convex Mesh Approach

Let's now address the collision of index finger, is related to the URDF links right_hand_virtual_l, right_hand_l, right_hand_p, and right_hand_t. We can model right_hand_virtual_l as a spherical primitive using the aforementioned method. For the other three meshes, we'll use convex decomposition.

Convex meshes are highly favored in physical simulations. Primitives such as spheres, boxes, cylinders, and capsules are all convex. To transform non-convex visual meshes into convex ones, we employ a process known as convex decomposition. This technique involves deconstructing complex, non-convex shapes into several simpler, convex shapes. It is an algorithmic process, eliminating the need for manual labor. More details about convex decomposition can be found in this article.

While primitives are ideal for efficient collision detection, they may not be the best representation for some robot links. Approximating these links with primitives could either use too many shapes or not accurately represent the actual link. This is especially true for links with frequent contacts, like fingertips, where the collision shape's alignment with the actual counterpart is crucial.

The CoACD tool is highly beneficial for performing convex decomposition. Here's a simple script to install CoACD and use it to generate decomposed meshes for the index finger links using default parameters:

pip3 install coacd
coacd -i f11.obj -o f11_collision.obj
coacd -i f12.obj -o f12_collision.obj
coacd -i f13.obj -o f13_collision.obj

For simple meshes such as the collision mesh of an XArm link, the default parameters work well. However, for f11, the default parameters produce overly complex convex meshes. In such cases, we could consider using a smaller decomposition resolution, denoted by -t. A larger value implies a lower granularity. More details on tuning these parameters can be found on the original CoACD Github page.

coacd -i f11.obj -o -t 0.1 f11_collision.obj
Original Visual MeshCoACD with Default ParamsCoACD with -t 0.1
1 SubMesh, 508 Vertices62 SubMeshes, 5083 Vertices29 SubMeshes, 3025 Vertices
visualdefault convexsimple convex

We can apply a similar method to create convex decompositions for other finger links. While this might seem adequate, you might find that your URDF model is experiencing intensive self-collision, even in its resting pose. So, what's the issue? We'll delve into this in the bext blog.

· 3 min read
Yuzhe Qin

In the rapidly evolving world of robotics, one particular challenge stands tall: How can we make a robot hand perform tasks with the same level of dexterity and precision as a human hand? This is where Hand Retargeting comes into the picture.


Why Do We Need Hand Retargeting?

In the realm of robotics, 'teleoperation' refers to the operation of a robot with control command from human. Teleoperation often involves a human operator controlling the movements of a robot. In an ideal world, the robot would mimic the operator's movements perfectly, making the operation seamless and intuitive. But here's the catch: human hands and robot hands are fundamentally different. They have different 'morphologies' - that is, shapes and degree of freedom. This difference in morphology makes it challenging to map human hand movements onto robot hands, limiting the effectiveness of teleoperation.

This is where hand retargeting becomes essential. It provides a way to bridge this gap and make teleoperation more intuitive and effective, even when the morphologies of the hands are different.

What is Hand Retargeting?

Hand retargeting is the process of mapping movements from one hand morphology to another. It's a concept that has its roots in computer graphics, where it's often used to map movements from a human actor to a digitally created character. In the context of robotics, we use hand retargeting to map movements from a human hand to a robot hand.

The goal of hand retargeting is to create a 'mapping' that allows the robot hand to mimic the human hand's movements as closely as possible. This mapping takes into account the differences in size, shape, and joint structure between the human and robot hands and finds the best way to 'translate' movements from one to the other.

Common Approaches to Hand Retargeting

There are several common approaches to hand retargeting, each with its strengths and weaknesses:

  1. Direct Mapping: This is the most straightforward approach, where each joint of the human hand is mapped to a corresponding joint on the robot hand. This method is simple to implement but may not produce the best results if the morphologies of the two hands are very different.

  2. Kinematic Mapping: This approach uses the principles of kinematics - the branch of physics that deals with motion - to map movements between the hands. This can produce more accurate and realistic results than direct mapping, but it is also more complex.

  3. Machine Learning Approaches: Recently, machine learning techniques have been applied to hand retargeting. These techniques train a model to learn the mapping between the human and robot hands, often producing very accurate results. However, they require a significant amount of data and computational resources.

In the upcoming sections, we will delve deeper into these techniques and explore how they could be applied in different scenarios. Stay tuned!